McGillivray Funeral Directors in Edinburgh

139 - 141 Restalrig Road, Leith, Edinburgh, EH7 6HW

Independent Family Funeral Directors

Telephone 0131 554 7777​​

Example of our Charges

Professional Services
Provision of all professional services including appropriate advice and support.

Taking your instructions in respect of the funeral arrangements. Conducting the

funeral and supplying all necessary bearers and attendants. Liaison with all necessary

third parties and making payments to external parties on your behalf. e.g. clergy, doctors,

crematoria or burial authorities; providing advice and guidance on all documentation to allow

the funeral to proceed legally. Including lodging of documentation with all appropriate third parties.    £995.00                                                                                                                                                          
Uist                                                                                                                                                         £550.00                                                                                  
Conveyance and Caring of Deceased
For the attendance of staff and the provision of equipment and a suitable vehicle necessary                
 to bring a loved one into our care. The preparation of the deceased and dressing in own
clothes or gown as required. And the provision of facilities to care for the deceased including
if required by appointment.                                                                                                                     £495.00 
Supply of Hearse
Supply of Hearse for funeral cortege.                                                                                                     £295.00

Supply of Limousine
Supply of one Limousine for Funeral Cortege.                                                                                       £250.00
TOTAL                                                                                                                                   £2,585.00                
Please note the above charges are for Funeral Services and do not include disbursements (charges we pay on your behalf) such as cremation or cemetery fees etc.

Example of Disbursements for Cremation Costs

Crematorium                 Warriston/Seafield                       £917.00

Flowers                          from                                             £60.00

Order of Service            from                                             £1.00 each

Officiant                         Minister/Humanist from               £200.00

​Embalming                    from                                             ​£120

Direct Cremation

No Service no one in attendance including cremation fee   £1300.00